Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We got updates on the babies weights and couldn't believe how much they have grown. They measure the babies every Sunday night, so we're going to start getting updates every Monday.

August now weighs 2 pounds 6.3 ounces and measures 14.5 in. His birth weight was 2.2 and measured 13.5 inches.

Luke now weighs 2 pounds 11 oz and measured 15 inches long. This weight is definitely off as he is a little water logged right now. So, we will not be surprised if next week his weight is less than this. His birth weight was 2 pounds even and measured 13.5 inches.

Henry now weighs 2 pounds 5 oz and measures 13.5 inches. His birth weight was 1 pound 11 ounces and measured at 13 1/4 inches long. Henry is the only baby who has tolerated the feedings of milk and when I say tolerated I mean wolfs them down. He is now getting 14 ml every 3 hours and will be passing up his brothers anyday now on weight!!!


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