There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 babies in these pictures. The boys had a playdate with a set of triplets, all girls, who were born in January. I have to say, August, Luke and Henry are smitten. They're counting the days when they can see "their girls" again.
August was absolutely elated when he realized The Parkway Grill in Wichita Falls named a burger after him. I'm telling you it was pure elation.
When you get stuck in your bumbo it's no fun. When your legs turn purple in your bumbo, you've got a problem. Therefore, we made a slight modification to August's bumbo. It is now known as the "Jumbo Bumbo."
Henry talking to his Dad via web-cam.
August doing the same thing.
Pops reading to August.
Henry showing Pops how to set up Facebook.